It’s Already Here Summer

Louis and I are slowly bonding. He is starting to trust me. Louis is eye candy deluxe

The kids last day of school was yesterday. Summer is here.

Half of Wee One’s flock. Yep, we have chickens now…….fresh eggs are nice.

We also have a new coop, I should have gotten a zoning permit for it I think. Hmmmm.

Work is going well. I have a new ‘partner’. She seems cool and holding her own, has backbone when it gets tough which is essential in this job. Time will tell.

The boys are growing too fast. 1st and 11th grade now…….yikes

Wee One has a best friend who is literally his shadow. We had a rather large water moccasin in the back yard his little best friend ‘Tucker’ alerted us to-Tucker saved the day and Bubba dealt with the poisonous snake. Water moccs stink, alive AND dead. Phew.

Scooter is doing marvelous.  

A lot going on these days on The Res.

Damn Life is hard. Some days are pretty rough, others are tolerable.

I want to be BG from 2008.


Filed under Ramblings