It’s Already Here Summer

Louis and I are slowly bonding. He is starting to trust me. Louis is eye candy deluxe

The kids last day of school was yesterday. Summer is here.

Half of Wee One’s flock. Yep, we have chickens now…….fresh eggs are nice.

We also have a new coop, I should have gotten a zoning permit for it I think. Hmmmm.

Work is going well. I have a new ‘partner’. She seems cool and holding her own, has backbone when it gets tough which is essential in this job. Time will tell.

The boys are growing too fast. 1st and 11th grade now…….yikes

Wee One has a best friend who is literally his shadow. We had a rather large water moccasin in the back yard his little best friend ‘Tucker’ alerted us to-Tucker saved the day and Bubba dealt with the poisonous snake. Water moccs stink, alive AND dead. Phew.

Scooter is doing marvelous.  

A lot going on these days on The Res.

Damn Life is hard. Some days are pretty rough, others are tolerable.

I want to be BG from 2008.


Filed under Ramblings

89 responses to “It’s Already Here Summer

  1. I want to be Jenny 2006…man, I would do a lot of things differently! If I could go back I would kick some secretarial ass.

    I’m glad you updated. The boys look great, they grow up so darn fast, don’t they?

  2. Love the first photo. I can almost feel him!

    My boys also had their last day on May 21. They’ll be in grades 3, 5, 8 in the fall! How can my baby be a 3rd-grader?

    Tell Wee One I like his chickens 🙂

    Sorry for the rough days. (((Hugs)))

  3. dickiebo

    Gosh, don’t they just grow up so fast? My son is 25 now – I would never have believed it! Still can’t get ‘rid’ of him though!
    Turning the clock back? Make mine 1956 please!!

  4. dickiebo

    I have never left your side, my dear. But, as you probably know, I did recently suffer a heart-attack. Well on the mend now, though.
    Be good.

    • OMG hugs Dickiebo, Ive been crazy busy working and havent been to your blog. I HAD NO idea bout your HEART Attack. How awful……stupid question now but are you okay?!?!?!?!

      • dickiebo

        I FEEL much better but have not yet started on Cardiac Rehab! I guess I must be getting better as, today, I was just glancing at our neighbour’s daughter sunbathing in the garden, when ‘B’ said, “Yea. You’re getting better, alright!”
        Don’t know what she means, I’m sure!

      • haha! B is absolutely RIGHT! you ARE mending! and giving me a giggle. Bless B she is a woman worth her weight in gold 🙂 give her a big kiss.

  5. can’t believe your baby boy is already 6! Wow! and your oldest is in 11th!
    and a new horse to boot! 🙂
    Great to pop back in though!

  6. Boy, if I could go back just a couple of years, I’d be good. too bad it doesn’t work that way.

    Can’t believe how Wee is growing. Soon he’s going to be really ticked about being referred to as Wee One. Then he’ll be having a girlfriend. Just thinking about it makes me feel old.

    Hey, I’m shooting for a return trip to Tulsa in 2011. Do we have a date??

    • yes! we have a date 🙂

      • Yipee! I’ll be there with bells on……and no that doesn’t mean I’ll be bringing a costume horse.

      • LOL! I am saving my comp time 🙂 I LOVE the costume horses btw…..give me some dates asap so I can get it turned in at work! Lewis and I are getting along pretty darn good. The Old Guy is still perky and doing well. His arthritis seems better this week. I keep telling myself I need to think about this coming winter and Scooters aging, declining health. Last winter was not hard on him but hes coming 32. My vet said Scooter’s general health is great for his age but we know how that can change in a minute. Ive ordered enough winter hay for 2 horses. I hope it is not wishfuk thinking. Thank gawd for my shrink…….. I need to get over and see some of your gorgeous photos. How are all your beauties? I hope they are well!

  7. It’s too early to know for the dates for the 2011 show. They have the dates up for this year but I there’s no point in my going since I am sueing the so called “daughter” of one of the judges.

    I will have dates about the time of this year’s show or soon after but I suspect that it will be the last week of October again.

    As for Scooter, 32 is young. A couple of bloggers I knew had Arabian geldings that lived to 40. Can you believe that. I have one here that is 30 and still going strong.

    Mostly the horses here are doing fine. There’s some drama, the law suit (I’m acting as my own attorney since I can’t afford one and have not posted any details yet) I shipped a mare to Wyoming. The woman who was to get her was killed by a horse. Now that mare is in a weird limbo.
    Have a new foal. He’s a beauty. Still struggling with a name. His mother is Solidare. I’m afraid she isn’t doing well. Trying to get him to three months before euthanizing the mare. Watching her every day is breaking my heart but oh how she loves her baby. Trying to let her have her time with him but it’s really hard.

    With all those things, I’m the one who needs a shrink.. Don’t you think? LOL

    Life goes on whether we’re ready or not.

    • omg M, drama deluxe. I wish I were closer, you sound like you need all the support you can get. 40 is amazing! Arabians seem like they are known for their longevity-I grew up with a family who had an A that was ancient when I was a kid, he lived to near 40 yo. He was just as spirited and beautiful in his older years as he was in his teens.He could be a handful but he was the best horse of their lot to ride 🙂 Everyone wanted to ride him!

      • I wish you lived closer too. You’re right on the support thing. It’s a difficult time.

        Scooter looks so good. I’ll bet he pushes the numbers too. He’s got Arab in his ancesters and will follow their lead. I’m pretty sure he’s determined to hang around to keep that young horse in line. Don’t you think?

      • haha! Scooter DOES like being followed around by my brother-in-laws beautiful bay yearling. Scooter also likes to ‘boss’ him a bit but not too much. Scooter doesn’t much care form other horses, strange being a herd animal, but I really think having a young horse and Lewis living here now has made Scooter a lot more active 🙂 especially at eating time-which is good! Hows your babies doing? great as usual Im sure. You know how to raise ’em right.

      • dickiebo

        Gosh! There is an Arab just down the road from us, who is 82!!!

      • Ha dickiebo, yer a smart ass! I LOVE it 🙂

  8. dickiebo, you must be getting better with comments like that. LOL

    BG, my Dandy doesn’t care much for other horses either but he really doesn’t want to be alone. He prefers being crabby with others around, if you get my drift. LOL

    I think keeping the old boys around youngsters helps keep them younger themselves. They get the opportunity to play if they want and be in charge the rest of the time. What self-respecting old gelding wouldn’t love that? Something to get up in the morning for, don’t ya think.

    • You are right! it gives them something to do 🙂 WO and Scooter have been hanging out while I work/ride Lewis. Scooter likes the snacks, brushing, fussing, being climbed all over-just general attention from WO. Its good for both of them. Scooter is safe and WO is learning all about horses in the process, its cute to listen to WO talk to Scooter and to watch them intereact…….

    • dickiebo

      No. I’m not getting better. In fact, I think I’m dying!!! But every time I mention it to ‘B’, she just says, “Shut up and drink your cocoa!’
      Good, innit? The way that some people treat an old warrior!!!

  9. Hey BG how ya doing?! I’ve been extra busy since summer started so have been lax about getting around to see everyone but think of you and your dear family so often! Your boys are growing up so fast, like my grandchildren, I tell them I am going to put a brick on their heads to keep them from growing so fast!!!! Love the picture of Wee and Tucker in the little car, a boy and his dog, nothing any better then that!!! Louis and Scooter look amazing, you’re a wonderful horse mom! Take care and hugs for everyone!! xoxox

    • hey MM-I totally agree w/ the extra busy part + our little ones growing TOO fast! My gosh, Bubba is a MAN now and WO can practically take care of himself……Lewis and I are slowly learning about each other. He has came a long way since I got him. I can easily catch him now and he is standing still for saddling/mounting now. But, as we know they do not become trained overnight 😉 just like kiddos, patience and consistency!

  10. don’t we call those little rubber slip ons to wear in the water “water moc’s” too.

    I’m sure glad we only have rattlers here. Seems that copperheads and water mocs like to hang around people places more

  11. Hey BG just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy 4th of July! Hope you have some fun and some relaxation!! xoxoxo

  12. Hey BG, how’s everyone? Here it is August, the summer is fast fleeting isn’t it?! My boys are doing good except Kipper the little Welsh pony is too fat and that worries me. Taylor likes riding Lil’ Bud (my horse) better as he goes so good and not ponyish like the Kip! BUT Kip needs the exercise and I am too big for him so I’m trying to get hold of a local gal that trains to come ride him, she is very small so would be okay in the weight department. Hey, I’ve lost 25 pounds this summer going to Weight Watchers!!! 25 more to go…….sigh……… How’s Wee and Bubba, yes B is a man now, when did that happen, how times flies! I feel like I have known you since B was a boy and Wee was a toddler! How’s the Hubs doing, I think of him so often and hope he’s doing well. Guess that’s it. Oh, I got my tractor stuck last week and had to walk a couple miles home to get my Hubs……..didn’t have it in 4-wheel drive……….DUH! Take care and hugs to all!!! xoxo

    • Julie Leask-Wells

      Hi, I am BG’s sister from Michigan. I am not sure if anyone who follows her blog knows, but my sister passed on July 18th. We are all struggling with this and my life is empty without my baby sister. Please keep BG’s husband and sons in your prayers, they are missing her terribly.

  13. dickiebo

    OMG!!!!!!! This is absolutely awful! My good, dear, pal, gone. Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable.
    Please accept my most sincere condolences.
    I feel, most terribly, for hubby, Wee One and Bubba, not to mention scooter! I am so, so, sorry.

  14. I just cannot believe this! OMG, I don’t even know what to think. How could this happen? She was such a young woman. How I will miss her!

    Her family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. Phaedra96

    I just found out from risingrainbow about her passing. May she rest in peace; and I am just soo sorry for her children. They have to live the rest of their lives w/o her. So, so sorry.

  16. Julie Leask-Wells

    Thank you all for your condolences and kind words. This is the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. When my sister BG was born I was 14 yrs old, so I did a lot of caregiving for her. Our mother passed on when BG was 11 yrs old so we where more like mother & daughter than sisters. I miss her so much. On a daily basis we would email, text, and/or talk on the phone. I have spent time with her husband and sons trying to help them out as much as I could. I will be spending more time in Oklahoma these days. Scooter had to be put down a couple of weeks ago, so he is with BG and they are riding the heavens together. “Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal, love leaves a memory that no one can steal.”

    • Julie, thanks for letting us know about Scooter. It is sad to know the old boy is gone. How is Wee One doing with that loss? I know he was beginning to spend some real time with Scooter this summer. First his mother, then a special friend, that’s a tough one for anyone, let alone a young child with autism.

      And how is the rest of the family doing? We are all wondering and keeping you all in our prayers.

      I feel such a loss and she was “just” my friend, she was your family, I cannot even imagine how you must feel. If you feel ok with it, would you drop me an email letting. I don’t know if I can help with your grief but sometimes being able to communicate with someone else who cares can be useful.


  17. Hi Julie,

    Just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all during this most difficult time. I loved BG and will miss her with all my heart. I wish I could have done something to help, I’m still having a hard time getting my head around this all as I know you all are. I did a post today to honor her and I hope I did her justice. Sometimes I find it hard to get the right words to express myself and this is probably one of those times but I did the best I could. We all will miss her so much. Please give Wee and Bubba hugs for me and a big hug to you!!

    Louise—- Midlife Mom

  18. My sympathies and condolences to all of BG’s family and friends, in particular her sister Julie.
    I was not one of BG’s readers, but I keep a blog (Silent Keyboards, J-land Angels URL=, where bloggers are remembered who have passed away. With permission, I am writing an entry, linking to a tribute to BG by Louise (MidlifeMom).


  19. OMG! I just learned of her passing this morning from a friends blog. I am devastated for her family. She was such a Special Lady. I always loved to come here and see stories of her life, her family, and her furkids. My condolences. I have no words to express my sadness. I was never fortunate enough to meet BG in ‘real’ life, but still felt as if I knew her thru her words.

    Thank you for letting us all know not only about BG’s passing, but about Scooter. I am sure they are together somewhere.

  20. I just heard too. I am so very sorry for your loss. Our blogging world won’t be the same w/o her. What a tragic loss. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. This weighs so heavy on my heart. I pray for her babies and husband left behind. I’m so very very sorry.

  21. BG have a wondrous, amazing journey on this new step in your unique, singular adventure – whatever lies ahead I know you’ll enjoy it to the full.

  22. Julie Leask-Wells

    Thank you again everyone for your kind words & condolences. I have let BG’s husband know how much everyone cared for BG and enjoyed her blog. Wee One is doing fine, he calls me almost every day and we talk about everything and anything. He is very close to me so I plan to keep it that way. Bubba is busy with football and school, being a teenager is hard work! Ha. The boys father is at home still due to his accident last summer and is need of more surgeries on his arm. He has family close by and especially a brother who visits daily. My husband and 3 sons keep in touch with all of them to, and are planning a fishing trip together to Canada when the family visits us in Michigan summer 2011. Guido – A remembrance of BG would be wonderful and appreciated. Thank you.

  23. Jenny

    I am dumbfounded and sick at heart. BG and I had an email friendship going and we talked about her visiting here in Texas some time in the near future. It wasn’t unusual that we didn’t communicate constantly but we checked in with each other frequently. I was just coming by today to check in and see what was going on. She was such a lovely person who helped me through a rough patch. I’m so sorry for your loss, Julie, and also her husband and boys.

  24. Julie, Thank you for another update. As you can see the horse blogging community is reeling from the loss of your dear sister. I am so glad to hear that Wee is doing well and that Bubba is keeping busy with the things boys do. I hope he is playing football. I still wish there was something that I could have done to help and I know we all feel that way. If it is okay with you I would like to make a donation in BG’s name to our local Humane Society. They do great work there and I think she would approve. Keeping you and the rest of your family in my prayers. Glad her husband has family around. Take care! xoxox

  25. Four and a half years ago I met a wonderful friend through blogging. Her name is Barngoddess and she was a true companion to many. Our friendship began with a poem for her birthday and through the years to follow we kept in touch. With emails, a postcard and an occasional phone call, we were always there for each other. Like all of you, I grew to love her for her fierce defense of her family, her Native heritage and anyone victimized by violence. We never got a chance to meet in person, she was a very private woman, but I didn’t have to in order to respect her way of life.

    I will miss my friend.

    I hope Wee One and Bubba will always remember their mother and know she was a beloved member of the blogging family.

    These are a few of the poems I wrote for her over the years.

    “Lonesome Rider”

    alone she rides with her thoughts
    the horizon always beyond her reach
    a future there that cannot be caught
    all around her bright colors leach
    change of seasons blowing through
    soon to come from northern skies
    life a struggle must try to renew
    alone she rides with heavy sighs.


    She burns with righteous flame,
    passion for her cause,
    riding free across the range,
    seizing truth in her jaws.
    bites down hard on bitter bit,
    cares so much it hurts to cry,
    screaming loud gives her grit,
    feels compelled to help to try.
    so glad that mothers like her exist,
    praising barngoddess is not remiss.

  26. BG was a friend of mine through our blogs and through email for the past 4 years. I’m very saddened to hear of her passing. She is missed. She’ll live on through all of us who were blessed to know her. My sincere condolences to all her family members, especially her sons, who lost a wonderful mother who loved them very much. I hope this blog featuring her posts and photos of them will be saved or printed out for them.

  27. WT

    I’m stunned and terribly saddened.

  28. I am so sad.
    Oh dear Lori…. you were so precious.

  29. SailorMoon

    Oh my, I had followed BG’s blog for years, then she went a long while without updating and I assumed she didn’t blog anymore. Something told me today to google and see if she was blogging again, and I see this. My oldest son is Bubba’s age and my lil one is in 3rd grade….and I am just heartbroken thinking about Bubba and WeeOne without their momma. And Scooter gone too, but he is riding with BG. Wow…I wish I had checked in before but my prayers are with her family and her boys. I don’t know if it was sudden or what, but even it you know its coming its still hard.

    I am so sorry.

  30. BG has been on my mind these last few weeks so often so I just had to stop by and leave a few words for you to let you know that we all still feel her loss tremendously. I hope your pain is easing a bit and that you can look back on the wonderful memories of a super lady! We miss you BG!!!!! xoxoxoxox

  31. dickiebo

    And so say all of us!

  32. Jenny

    Miss you, Lori.

  33. Julie Leask-Wells

    Many of us have missed Lori over the past months and especially throughout the holidays. Lori’s husband & sons traveled to Michigan to spend Christmas with us, it was great to have them! My husband & I were going to Oklahoma if they hadn’t come to Michigan, just so they weren’t alone on the first Christmas without Lori. Anyway, we went ice fishing, snowmobiling and visited lots of other family members while they were here. (And of course, ate lots of goodies!) My house was too quiet after they left for home, we are all missing them terribly. I plan to go to Oklahoma for the boy’s spring break from school in March to visit. Thinking of Lori and missing her is still a daily occurence for me. I have a couple of videos that she had sent where she is narrating, just hearing her voice stil brings me to tears. Please keep Steve, Bubba & Weeone in your prayers, they are still struggling to with their loss. Let’s hope 2011 will be a good for everyone, thank you all for your support and love for my sister Lori, aka Barngoddess! Happy New Year!

  34. dickiebo

    Julie – thank you so much for that. We all really do miss Ramblin’ terribly. It’s just too awful to think of Wee One and Bubba without their Mom.
    I, for one, will never forget her.
    God Bless.

  35. Oh, Julie, thanks so much for the update. With the holidays BG’s loss weighted heavily on me, I could only imagine what it must be like for her family. I’m so glad you all spent Christmas together, Lori would have loved that.

    Like dickiebo, I will never forget Lori. She was a great friend and I miss her.

    risingrainbow at

  36. Jenny

    Thank you, Julie. I’m glad to hear that Steve and the boys were surrounded by the love and in the presense of family during the holidays. You’re all still in my thoughts and prayers.

  37. Thank you Julie for the update! Lori was on my mind so much over the holidays, I am so glad Steve and the boys were with you!!! I hope that things get better for you and all of Lori’s family with time, that remembering the good times will soften the void in your lives a tiny bit. I hope you find comfort knowing that we all care so much and will never forget Lori! Love to you all!

  38. love the topic, I had fun reading it coz I’m a horse lover too but just a beginner one so right now I just keep on collection information that would be helpful for me in my new love.

  39. betty jo brady

    how do i add you as a friend. i knew Joannie Goodwin. i went to school with her and her son bobby is my brother bobby hoppers son. i would like to be able to keep up with your post and bloggs

  40. Julie.. have you considered an occasional update on the blog — to let many of us know how the three men are doing .. and you of course. I have not allowed myself to delete Ramblings from my Reader.

  41. dickiebo

    Me too, Pamela. No way can I delete BG’s pics from my gallery.
    Sincerely hope that Julie and family will be with Steve and the boys at Christmas as last year.

  42. Julie Wells

    I have planned to do the very thing you have requested! You have just nudged me forward! Steve and the boys will be with us for Christmas again this year. They will be driving in next week Wed or Thurs. Everyone is so excited to see them! Most haven’t been able to visit with them since last year. Although, my husband, grandaughter and I went out to OK over spring break and I made the trip at the end of August for a week. Both visits were great. Buba is a senior and will graduate in May. He had a successful football season and is now playing basketball. Bubba has a full ride to a college in Arkansas to play football for them in the fall. His plan B was to move to Michigan and attend college here. WeeOne is in 2nd grade and doing well. His teacher last year was new right out of college, so he struggled a bit. Lord knows what would have happened if BG were there at that time, the %&*$ would have hit the fan big time! Steve managed well, and WeeOne went to summer school for the 4 weeks in June and had a good time. I still have a difficult time with the loss of my younger sister. My sister Karen & I were Christmas shopping last week and ended up both crying a puddle when we were talking and reminising about BG. Just can’t help thinking its not fair she was taken from us so early in her life. I still think of her every day, many times, hear her voice, and see her beautiful face. My heart is continues to be broken. BG’s paint horse Louis is doing well, Steve would like me to bring him to Michigan but WeeOne wants to keep him. So I can’t entertain that idea. I am not sure if I let you all know, but I brought BG’s little dog Harlie back home with me. She is my salvation on most days! Always so excited and happy when I am home from work. I take her every where, she has her own car seat. Harlie has traveled back to OK each time with me. Its like she has always been my puppy, she is the boss of the house. Our white lab just gives her lots of room and lets her rule! Its funny! She’s a fiesty little thing. I love her dearly. Several days after BG’s funeral, her beloved Marvin (Maine coon cat I believe) was able to escape out the door and we tried to get him back in but no luck. He was sighted a couple of times but has since disappeared. I see it as BG has her Marvin and Scooter with her and every thing is as should be! BG was into the supernatural, etc. as you all know. Well, my sisters and some friends went to a spiritual reader and she told us that she saw BG (discribed her to a T) and BG was telling her to tell us to leave it alone she was okay now. We were puzzled over her death and felt we needed answers. The reader even saw Scooter with BG.
    Somehow it is comforting. I will try to update everyone more often, thank you for asking about and loving my baby sister. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  43. I just cannot believe that Bubba is a senior already. or that WO is in 2nd grade. Congratulations to Bubba getting that scholarship, very cool. I’m sure his mother is grinning from ear to ear about that.
    I can just imagine BG’s feelings about the teacher who did not get it. with WO. Glad to hear he got the help he needed in the summer and is on track again. Sounds like you and Harlie make a great team. I wondered what had become of Marvin. I think I loved that cat as much as BG. I can see BG, Scooter and Marvin happily together again in my mind’s eye. What a great picture that is. I still miss her so. Thank you, Julie, for the update. Iti’s good to hear how BG’s family are all doing. You all hold a place in my heart. You know BG and I had plans to meet at the Arabian Horse US National’s this year in Tulsa. As it turned out, I didn’t make it to that I show instead I laid in the hospital during the show thinking of BG and our two missed visits since we had had plans to meet at the 2009 show which didn’t happen because of BG’s surgery. Knowing she was gone and the kind of shape I was in there were times during that hospital stay that I really did think our meeting was going to take place after all, just on more heavenly turf. I am thankful to be alive but knowing she would be there if I didn’t make it actually made my journey much less fearful. She will always be a very special friend.

    • Julie Wells

      I am sorry to hear that you and BG never were able to meet up and visit. My sister was a conversationalist for sure! BG always had a topic or two to chat about. As I shared earlier, she and I would converse daily by text messaging, email, or phone and many times all three! That continues to be a void in my life. Although, her hubby texts me daily to wish me a good and blessed day which is very thoughtful. I hope your illness is gone and no more hospital stays in the near future. Keep in touch. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  44. I don’t know why the field for my blog address got taken over by some weird website but I couldn’t get rid of it and still post my comment. Clicking on my username took me to something to join so thought I would warn other readers to not click on the user name in the above comment. The other places I have posted still seem to be my blog and it did let me correct the addy here but don’t know why that happened but anytime something takes over that wasn’t intended, it can’t be good.

  45. Thank you so much Julie for updating us on the family. I am still grieving for BG and for you all especially at this time of year. Glad you have Harlie, that must give you some comfort. So happy for Bubba, he will do great at college and to think Wee is in 2rd grade! Oh my! Where does time go?! There are people in this lifetime that make a special impact on our lives and BG was one of those people for me! Thank you again, it was a nice Christmas present getting an update!!!

    • Julie Wells

      Thanks Midlifemom! Your words are very comforting. I just love my Harlie dog, she is my saving grace. Not that she was at first! Living with us was her third home, and it took several weeks for her to bond with us. But now it is as she has always been our puppy. I will try to update more often. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !

  46. Thank you Julie for keeping this blog alive. Not a day passes without thinking about BG and the huge impact she had on my life. Everything good I have now stemmed from the friendship and love she showed through her words and actions. The legacy she bestowed on her family will be cherished forever.

  47. Good Post, you hit the nail on the head, but unfortunately, they who know better who got us into this mess are trying to get us further into the Progr Click

  48. Just in case anybody still visits this site; I had to write as I have had Ramblin’ on my mind today. Sincerely hope that her family are still doing well. It’s awful to think of their loss as it is such a big one for us, who never met her. Always in our thoughts.

    • Julie A Wells

      Thank you for your kind words. Lori’s sons are doing well, Nate is married and has two young chuldren and a good job. Nate tries to travel to Michigan every chance he has to visit Lori’s family. Sam is 16 years old and living with Lori’s best friend Lisa at this time. Sam spends summers with his family in Northern Michigan (Lori’s family) and loves it. He plans to move to Michigan when he graduates and go to college. It will be 10 years in July that Lori left us and not a day goes by that I don’t think of my baby sister. She is missed by so many. Sam has some memory of her and we encourage him by sharing stories, photos and loving him unconditionally.

      • Gosh! Thanks, Julie. I didn’t really expect a reply after 10 years! Thank you. So pleased to hear how Ramblin’s children are turning out. I hope that they may be as lovely as my old, and dear, pal.
        Very best regards.

  49. Still thinking of Ramblin’! Merry Christmas to her beloved family.

    • originalweeone44

      Merry late, late Christmas to you too dickiebo! This is WeeOne himself, and thank you so much for keeping in touch with us.

  50. originalweeone44

    Hello Everyone! As some of you may know (or remember) tomorrow will be BarnGoddess’s fifty second birthday! This is WeeOne himself, I thought I should post on here to give y’all an update on how our family is doing. Me, I’m doing great; I’m a coonhunter/fisher and love to ride! I am now 17 and doing great in high school! (It has its perks) and Bubba (my older brother) now has a wonderful wife and 3 children. 2 boys and a girl, and they are the craziest nieces and nephews I’ve had yet! I visit Michigan every summer, my mom loved Oklahoma. ( Secretly I don’t like it) Kinda ironic right?. And I STILL have a passion for fowl, (My chickens) I’m trying to shake it off, but I’m not having much success to be honest. Have y’all ever heard of “chicken math”?. Lots of friends and family have informed me I have it. 😂 But I also have a love from hunting hounds ( a sparked love due to my moms best friend L. and the movie “Where the Red Fern Grows). I can’t believe BarnGoddess will be 52! There is not a day that doesn’t go by that we don’t think about her. As she called him “Hubs” (my dad) is doing great! Mainly at home, fixing things, mowing if he can, and doing odd jobs. Anyways, if you would like to please reply! Would love to meet and hear from you guys! If you guys have any questions I can answer, feel free to reply to this and ask. God bless to everyone out there!

    • Aunt Julie

      Thank you Wee one!! This is a fabulous tribute to your mom and my dear sister Barngoddess. We all think of her and miss her every day 🥰

      • Ramblin’ was a really bright star in my quiet little life. So cheery in her comments. I think we grew up with hubby, Bubba, Wee One and Scooter. Thank you so much for keeping this memory of her alive for us. May God bless you all.

      • originalweeone44

        Yes we do! And thank you!

      • originalweeone44

        Thank you! And we sure do! She was just an awesome mom, friend, and a pleasant person.

  51. Hello Everyone! This is WeeOne again, and I would like to update you guys on the current flow of things. Everything here in Oklahoma is great! Today marks thirteen years since mom (our beloved Barngoddess) has been gone. Time seems to fly by so fast, and I still (and will always) think of her each day! I got blessed with another beautiful nephew in the spring of ’22. He is now a one year old! That’s right, “Bubba” now has 4 kids, God bless him! They are all doing wonderful and my niece has recently taken up ballet, my oldest nephew of the bunch has been excelling in wrestling also! Wayland, the 3rd in line; reminds me kind of myself. Off of the crowd and hunting down crawfish in drainage ditches! or as we call them in the south, “crawdads”. I turned 19 in November, and I can say I survived my first year of college, I’m now looking at the face of my sophomore year in Wildlife Ecology at OPSU. I am typically a more “hands on” person with things; to say the least, so my first year of online school was quite interesting! We are continuing to rock-on over here, I wish you all the best and God bless!

  52. So pleased that you are doing OK. You and family are often in my thoughts as I approach my 86th year!

    May God Bless you all.

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