The Answer Is Hazy

I gotta say, my blogland friends are great. I appreciate your comments and emails. You have no idea how much better y’all make me feel.

The last couple of days, I’ve lurked at some of your blogs because I just had to see what was going on with you…..nosey arent I? just too weak to comment.


For most of the month of January, I feel like the Magic 8-Ball has had the answer to how my life seems to be:

 “reply hazy. check back later

I went back to the doctor Tuesday.

My left lung is better but there is not any change in my right lung. I suppose that explains the stabbing, sharp, endless pain in my right side of my upper back area.

More meds, a new one thrown in, and a stinging shot in the rear. The exhaustion I feel is starting to get old. 

I smoked 1-2 packs of cigarettes for years and have been quit for 5 years. I do not deserve this pneumonia!

My physician did threaten me with hospitalization should I not be any better next week. Not an option, I informed him.

When I was in the 4th grade I had a nasty case of pneumonia. It was winter and cold in Northern Michigan. The only thing I clearly remember about having it back then, was laying on the couch and my mother reading to me the books, “Ramona The Great” and “The Black Stallion” —because I was too sick to read them myself…..taking a horrible tasting orange antibiotic medicine and eating a lot of homemade chicken noodle soup. I also watched the movie “Creature From The Black Lagoon” during the middle of one feverish night. It gave me awful nightmares.

What I’d give to have my mother nurse me back to health just one more time………..


Here’s some things thats happened in my blogland absence:

  • Mr. Fishy croaked. Wee One was heart-broken for 2 days. Now he wants an ‘orange fish’. I assume he means, Goldfish.
  • Bubba’s wrestling season is officially over. Baseball starts now.
  • Wee One has not ate any boogers since Bubba told him the doctor would have to operate on his belly. Wee One is still picking his nose though.
  • Bubba took his first unofficial pre-ACT test with his study group and scored a 21! woot!!! Now he is working on the areas he is weak in.
  • This Saturday is the big MathCounts competition. We have to be on the road at 7 am. I hope with everything in me I am feeling better by the weekend.
  • The Dr.Phil show had on a man that weighed 700 pounds. Wee One asked me how the man got so gross. I had to explain the man was not gross, he was fat because he ate too much and did not exercise enough. Now, everytime Wee One wants to eat something he asks if it will make him fat. Cripes! I hope he gets over that soon. It is not like we are all a bunch of twiggys in my family anyhow.
  • Wee One did wonderful at the dentist in Tulsa. He had to get a cap on a back tooth. His dentist was a tall beautiful black woman who he really liked. She gave him the ‘laughing gas’ and called it ‘spiderman gas’ which was a big hit with him. Wee One goes back on Monday, same day I go back to my MD.
  • Hubs has been scarce. He is in the process of drilling and has to babysit the drillers which has kept him away from home. I think this has helped in my recovery…well, very slow recovery.
  • Bubba has a new girl friend who he is being slightly secretive about. I suspect she is a high school girl (9th grade). He has not had a steady for quite some time now…..hmmm.

We’ve had ice fog, snow, sun, 68 degree temperatures, below zero windchills.

Today we are lucky enough to have a winter storm warning. I am not too worried about it, driving in the snow does not bother me, driving on ice does though. The weatherman is only calling for snow accumulations.

Oklahoma’s weather has been just as crazy as the entire Nation’s has recently been.

I took these 2 photos Monday evening after coming indoors from doing my barn chores. It felt like an April spring evening in Oklahoma. The sky was just so weird.

Why is Bubba playing basketball in his jammies?

I am so very thankful Wee One will play with his modeling clay for 1 -2 hours. It has helped me so much the last 2 weeks.

My ever faithful Marvin. He knows I am not feeling well and has been my constant companion while I am on the mend.

Marv has fell off the ‘diet wagon‘ because of me.

Marvin has been such a loyal buddy, in my weakness, I allowed him to eat as much of his old fattening cat food as he has wanted too. Which, by the way, has been a lot. He can chow down for a domesticated feline.

I am a bad, bad, cat mama.


Filed under Family Life, Marvin, Ramblings, Scooter, the great outdoors, Weather

36 responses to “The Answer Is Hazy

  1. I’m glad you checked in; I’ve missed your updates. I think some people tend to get pneumonia easier than others. And it seems as if, once you’ve had it, you tend to get it again. I wonder if you have ever gotten the shot to help prevent it? If not, I’d say you ought to next year! I’ve never had it, thank goodness.

  2. I’m glad you’re feeling better. I’ll send Brian around to comment. Re: Cloverfield, yes you get to see the monster at the end.



  3. Aniin BG. ((((((((((hugs)))))))))) So good to hear from you and I’m so sorry you are still feeling yucky.

    Great news about Bubba, the math part and the ACT. New girlfriend?

    Good for you for lurking, I felt you around a couple of times. I’ll keep thinking about you and hoping you get well really soon.

    Love you

  4. dickiebo

    You wanna put Wee One in charge of Marvin’s grub! That should fix him.
    Welcome back, m’deario, and don’t keep checking your Mailbox!!!!

  5. Good to hear that you are feeling a little better… hope you continue on the mend. It s*cks being sick ;p

    Oh, the bird on my blog this week was an African Hornbill. You must have been to the blog before I put the comment on the entry telling what he is.

  6. First, I’m so glad that you are feeling better even if you still aren’t fully recovered.

    Second, that is a weird looking sky. I love the pic of the frost on Scooter’s back.

    Third, thanks for your news updates!!

  7. I’m glad that you condition is improved. Sorry to here it’s not good in both lungs, however.

    I think that dickiebo might have an idea there about putting Wee One in charge of Marvin’s diet. lol Such a thought! You just have to wonder what goes through their heads…….or at least why it does.

    I knew that Marvin was a loyal kitty. Doesn’t surprise me he is trying to take care of you.

    If we were closer, I’d be more than happy to help with your barn chores so you could get the rest your body so needs. But I’m afraid the commute makes it out of the question.

  8. I’m glad you’re well enough to write an entry! I hope you recover fully….right..
    Did it work?? Sorry,I tried:(
    The sky looks so freaky in those photos,I love it!

  9. I think there is something about January that puts people in a down mood anyway. I commented less too. Hazy is a good word for it.

  10. Rebecca

    You have so much happening in your world….I am glad that you are feeling better.

    Sorry about MR. Fishy! Wee one will get better I hope. He does have a few more animals to love….

    I don’t mind the dentist if they don’t want to drill away in my mouth..A cleaning is just fine. I have considered teeth whitening besides whitestrips by crest…any thoughts or knowledge?

    I am amazed at the pictures ….I wanna see snow again. I want to be able to build a snow angel. I want to feel the flakes kiss my face…
    I know I am in fantasy land here in Georgia.

  11. So glad you checked in and caught us! Wee One is quite a sculptor! Marvin will get back on the diet wagon soon, I predict. Main thing is for you to get well!! 😀

  12. Lu

    Where did my comment go?

  13. DaBich

    Oh My! Pneumonia….here I am feeling sorry for myself with this horrid, horrid sinus infection, and you have pneumonia! Get better, BG, take care of yourself!!! HUGZ!

  14. Donna-I may have to check into that vaccine. I do NOT want this ever again! thanks for giving me the idea.

    RDK-cool, I like monster movies

    Brian-yep, I lurked at my regular haunts, yours specifically 🙂

    dickiebo-lol, Id benefit from Wee One monitoring my grub! My arm is sore from opening the mailbox door, hahaha

    astaryth-cool bird it is

    arkansassongnbird-is this snowstorm headed your way? we’ve gotten at least 8+ inches and NO school, ack

    rrb-I appreciate the thought though, your right the commute would be nutso! I think Scooter would really like you too.

    lael-you rock, the sky was so creepy but so intriguing, I knew you’d love it.

    karmynR-it’s that seasonal disorder I think….

    rebecca-I just brush and get cleaned every 6 MOS, given up hope on getting my chompers white ever again. But, my teeth arent bad but they arent great either.

    MM-I need the diet wagon too.

    lu-WP lost I guess

    Dabich-I think I am on my way to recovery, but it has not been fun one damn bit.

  15. Hey!
    I’ve been too busy to visit, but what’s this about you being sick? Take good care of yourself, will ya?

    I see you still have a great sense of humour, sickness and all. Wee One makes me laugh…

  16. So glad to see you back and hope you continue to mend……The weather has very weird here too. Same kind of junk, you just get it first.

  17. Katie

    giggling at bad cat mama! Loved all the pictures and updates! You have been missed terribly! I hope you continue to feel better!

  18. Lu

    I am so glad you are some better and take it from another reformed smoker…one lung clear is better than both full..
    I guess I must have been preachy and my comment left??
    I took the shot years ago and got another this year…I hope it helps…cannot hurt too much…and the flu shot is every year..
    Let them put you in hospital if need be..Just get over this nasty stuff…certainly is not easy and as you mentioned, everyone seemed to have it!! You got it worse tho…some of us need steroids to get over it..
    I really am glad you are a little better as I miss your ramblings…and now I had better not proof this much as ‘poof, it will be gone’..Again..

  19. Sorry to hear you have been under the weather lately. Hopefully you will be on the road to recover real soon. The weather here has been crazy as well. Today it is been so windy, I was concerend we were going to blow away! HOpe you are back to 100 % real soon!

  20. glad to hear you’re feeling somewhat better.
    i had the pneumonia thing before, and it aint fun.

    was that frost i saw on the horse? or just a little field dust?
    and i like the pics of scenary you often put up. nice. nothing in orange county looks that serene.(one reason why i plan on leaving.)

  21. I hope you feel better soon. Try taking a high potency multi vitamin and some vitamin C.

  22. Thanks for the great update! I hope you feel better each day!

  23. jo

    Hey there young lady ! So glad you’re on the mend !

    The photos are breathtaking !
    Please get lots of rest and feel better soon !

  24. Hope you continue to mend!

  25. pavel- a sense of humor is so VERY important

    callie-I hope you arent getting all this snow-ick

    katie-Im feeling loved 🙂

    Lu-lol, preach away. You arent Baptist are ya?

    kdwhorses-I get tired of the howling winds, very very quickly

    gino-come to OKLA! that is all frost on my horse and in the photos.

    scary-I have been and it seems to be helping…hope I am not over doing it though


    jo-thank you!


  26. Lu

    No, no Baptist here..Catholic even when not practicing!!! Hard to get away from the way one was raised…
    Anyhow, reformed smokers can be so preachy….and I swore I would never be if I managed to quit!!!!
    Sometimes we eat our words and it is best to never say never as it is too long a time!

  27. Perusing comments at Karmyn’s, your name caught my eye. A few months back, I found a hat for my mom at a swap shop that was embroidered with the name “Barn Goddess.” My folks have moved furniture into their barn (they live in town in a big old Victorian with attached horse barn) and use it in the summer as an open-air living room.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. mk

  28. Jenny

    I’m glad you’re feeling better.

  29. oh how fast the weather changes, I am ready for april weather I can say that much lol. Vanish by Tess Gerritsen I just couldn’t get into, it lacked the thrill her books usually have

  30. I had some laughs reading this post. Glad you quit smoking. I quit after 47 years but not before I got emphysema and heart disease from it and some blebs on my lungs and only the top halves are working. I had an aortic aneurysm operation in 1996 and quit smoking the day before surgery. I missed it for a while but glad I stopped when I did. You got some neat photos here too.

  31. Lu-ha, I know what you mean. Being raised and schooled Catholic, old ingrained habits are HARD to lose.

    markira-thnx for stopping by. Your folk’s place sounds wonderful! BG is not too common of a name, how cool you found a hat w/ it on it.

    jenny-I think Im mending…I hope so!

    anne-really? dang! I like her books so much…..

    AL-yikes! glad I quit not….but I really miss it sometimes except for now when I can hardly breathe….thanks for stopping by!

  32. Lu

    Gosh, AL..that is a good reason to quit!!! I have scarred lungs from smoking and will never return to smoking…there I am with that word agin…*groan*

  33. seems with wee one questioning the reasons about the fat man — now would be a good time to talk with him about good nutrition and habits.

    He seems so open to it.

  34. I am sorry you have been under the weather but glad you are coming out of it.

    Being sick isn’t fun.

    It was interesting reading about loyal Marvin. My daughter used to have a cat that would stay with her when she was sick or sad. He’d curl up close to her face and give her comforting pats with his paw.

    Some animals just know.

  35. thanks for the hugs. It helped.
    {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} I wish I was there to help you out.

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