The Lion Tamer

The Lion Tamer in the making…

Marvin has became very playful the last month or so. He has a favorite toy : a bootlace with a knot tied at the end. Marv will chase after it for hours. Wee One will pull it along for hours, they make a great couple.

A helpful hint if you have an energetic child to entertain, buy one of these $5 Shrek bouncing toys at the local Family Dollar Store.

One day I ran inside the FDS (no Wal-Marts close to me, dammit) to buy some laundry detergant and an extra pair of swimming goggles. Wee One has been asking for one these ‘bouncys‘ since winter. I saw the Shrek one and knew it was perfect for Wee.

He was ecstatic when I brought this one home for him the other day. It was the best five bucks Ive spent in a very long time.

This is me choking Marvin (not really). Marv will not leave me alone. He keeps trying to flop his fat rear across my keyboard. Marvin wants me to play with him. I want to blog while Wee One is napping. Marvin needs to get lost.

I fly-sprayed Scooter just awhile ago with some Endure I picked up over in Bartlesville on Saturday. As soon as I finished and came into the house, it started to thunder. The Endure is supposed to be somewhat sweat/water proof. I hope it is. As soon as I turned Scooter loose and he heard the little dun pony across the road whinny, he galloped off with an answering whinny. I think hes unhappy with me because I cut back his grain again. He is getting way too fat.

Geesh, I wish someone would cut off my feed for me, Im getting way to fat too!

No, those arent monkeys in my tree…altho one might think so.

Son #1 and his friend C have been buddies since preschool. C is a great kid. Whenever he is here, he is never a problem and always welcome at our house. I would adopt this kid in a second, really, I would.

We watched C dance briefly at the previous dances(he is an Osage Tribal dancer). The boys and I are going again to watch him dance Thursday thru Sunday. I hope the weather is nice for us, we havent been very lucky weatherwise…


Filed under Family Life, Friends, Horses, Marvin, the great outdoors, Weather

25 responses to “The Lion Tamer

  1. Great pictures. I’m glad Wee One has some things to keep him entertained. Bouncing and lion-taming are much better activities than watching TV.

  2. Rebecca

    Sorry about the weather. We are still in a drought. I wish I coudl have some of your rain. My yard and my plants need it!!!!

    You have 2 cute kids! I really liked the tree pic!

    If you find a tiger of a man I’ll do my best to train him!

  3. donna-Wee watches TV but is always moving…

    rebecca-I need to send you my friend D, he needs a good woman.

  4. Love the photos! You have one very handsome son and one cutie pie!! Send Becca “D” – Becca needs a good man but more importantly, a good man needs Becca cuz she is cool. Send me a job, please…sigh.

  5. So is that the Hope diamond on your finger….. my god woman, take off the ring and you’d drop 5 pounds….. nice, very nice. 😉
    I love Native Dance. My grandaughter is a jingle dancer.

  6. Woohoo!! No rain today!!! That makes one in a row.

    We had a cat that hated me until I was busy, then he’d flop his fat arse on whatever I was doing.

  7. Love the lion tamer pic. Braden has literally worn out two of those jumper balls he LOVES them, they actually started him on them when he was little for therapy and he still loves them. Good luck on the good weather we aren’t having much luck with good weather in this part of OK.

  8. rach-Know anything about cattle? I can get ya some day work! If I can fit D into a fed-ex box, hes on his way…

    hope-jingle dancers are so neat! Id love to see a photo of your grand-daughter in her dance clothes. Compliments of my MIL-the hope diamond.

    burg-this morning isnt so sunny 😦 70% chance of rain the REST of the week, this sucks

    kelli-this rain is making our summer suck. Ihope I dont have to find another bouncy, only 2 were left on the shelf, yikes!

  9. Seeing that ball made me laugh! We had red ones – bought them in Holland .. When we came to the States they were not here yet.
    So much fun!

    Wee One’s looking tanned and adorable as ever!

    I think I’d rather work on a ranch again too! I can weld fences, inoculate cows…. toss them some hay…cook for the crew… grinning…. have horse and saddle… and can even send you a picture of my horses…lol… Plus, it would be a good diet plan for me. 🙂

    Thanks for the smiles! cheers!

  10. Endure generally works well for me.

    I loved seeing your older son and his friend. They look so happy and wholesome. Beautiful picture of them.

  11. secret admirer

    Hi. Answer your phone!
    Is it still raining at your house?
    It is out here.
    What time are you going to Walnut Creek?
    Your sons look happy.

  12. Katwee

    Hey Blondie, Im over at SheeShee’s. C’mon over, were making Cosmos at 1. Your house is 3 mi from here.

    Kathey Kathey Kathey Kathey

  13. I lost another lb this week. Man i have a long way to go. I would love to see a tribal dance sometime. I am so going to contact you if I am on that side of the world. Sighs. I miss a good rain storm. :hug:

  14. lol, the title
    definitely goes with the first pic!

  15. Midlife Mom

    Wee One looks like he has a future career ahead of him with the lion taming! heehee! That picture is such a hoot! You should have bought all of those bouncies as he will wear this one out and want more! My cats love to laze on the key board when I am typing too. I try to find a toy for them to keep them busy some place else. Scooter would be really bummed if he was on Buddy’s diet right now! (a little Dixie cup of grain, a few pieces of carrots, his Thyro med and some Fastrack probiotic) Ewwwwwww it’s gross.) I feel so sorry for him and he grabs his feed dish and yanks on it trying to make some sweet feed appear out of nowhere! Thanks for all of the nice encouraging comments that you leave for me, I REALLY appreciate it. I have been so weepy over this whole thing and I hate being like that. Blubbering old woman! That’s me now a B.O.W.!!! Great pictures of the boys in the tree, that’s what boys are supposed to be doing, climbing trees!

  16. katie-the endure seems to be holding up despite todays pouring down rain 🙂 Im happy about that

    SA-no time for chitchat on the phone. Hows things out at the ranch?

    kathey-aww dang it! why dont y’all comeover here? Ive got 3 kiddies to look after, y’all have NONE. dont forget the cosmos either..tell Shee hi for me 🙂


    MM-no problemo! I understand how you feel 100%. and you are not a BOW, no way. eww Buddy’s diet does sound icky, poor fella

  17. While you’re sending Rebecca a good man and Rach a job would you mind sending me a good plastic surgeon? Or a secret admirer, preferably both.

  18. Ciari wants to be a jungle dress dancer….
    Corny bugs me when I’m online too,the bugger.
    I am still in love with Marvin. Every time I see him it’s starts anew. That is the coolest cat ever!
    Awww sweet boys:) Those are great photos!
    We bought one of those bouncey balls for Ciari and she goes nuts on it,bouncing all over the house. It’s hilarious..she’s 9,lol but is having fun so who cares. They even make them for kids up to 150lbs! So if Wee One still likes them as he grows he’ll never have to go without!

  19. Getting ready to storm in INdiana. We need the rain so I can’t really complain about it. My kids are so wanting a trampoline. maybe next year

  20. Love the pics ! Those balls are the greatest kid tranquilizer ever !
    We have a 30 % chance of about 13 raindrops…I hate not having rain. In the 90’s here,and I have to mow soon, dammit.
    Oh…I have been screwing around with my blog roll…moved things around, but how do I get the ones I want close to the top on WP ? Will gladly buy a clue !

  21. jenny-when I win the lottery tomorrow, you can come w/ me to club-med where we can get ‘made-over’! and party at the same time 🙂

    lael-Marvin is a pain in the ass sometimes, hes like having another kid. The BOUNCY got a hole in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we patched it, I hope it holds.

    anne-if ya get one, get ready to have every kid in the neighborhood at your house.

    magz-my WP knowledge is ZILCH….I am always emailing their help, good thing they are good at helping!

  22. Wow! Five dollars and a cat will bring hours of entertainment!

    Hi there, BG. I’m sorry for not visiting in FOREVER.

    “Geesh, I wish someone would cut off my feed for me, Im getting way to fat too!”

    That line made me spit my soda… lol

  23. I love that title with that first photo! Made me laugh!

    Glad the boys are having fun 🙂

  24. Great shots of the Lion Tamer and Monkeys!

    I hate fly season. I’m not sure which is worse, all the rain we’ve been having or the flies that come out with the sun. I’ve had good success with the spot on products, have you tried them?

  25. Hey.. I left something for you on my blog…

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