Imposter II


The ice has arrived. We are buried. All schools are closed. Driving anywhere is dangerous. I hope we keep our electricity.

Wee One’s surgery was post-poned until 3/6 because one of his tonsils was infected and his ears had some fluid in them. He is now taking a hefty antibiotic for 10 days that put a huge dent in my pocketbook….money well spent tho. Thanks for all your well wishes! They are appreciated.

Yesterday, I came face to face with the Imposter.

I had to run into town to pick up Bubba from an after school function at 5:30 pm. I picked up Wee One’s medicine, swung by the feed store, then ran into the town’s only grocery store. As you can imagine, everyone was out shopping after work with the ice storm approaching our area.

I parked my car, as I was exiting my car, the imposter pulled in and parked one car over. I knew immediately that it had to be her. She was blonde and she looked like me from a distance. Her car was identical to mine. They were indistinguishable. I swear, her’s even had dirt in the same place as mine..

I hit my car’s remote lock buttons, and timed our walk across the parking lot so we reached the doors at the same time. The imposter glanced at my car, then she half smiled at me. I smiled at her unsure at first what to say. As we reached the doors, I was about to give up speaking to her thinking I might sound a little looney tooney, when I noticed her purse had come open on the side and some legal looking papers were slipping out as she walked. At the doors I pointed that out to her and she thanked me. Then she mentioned she had a crazy day and was concerned about the impending sleet/freezing rain because she lived 30 mi away. The imposter, it so happens, lives in the town Wee One goes to school in but works for the Tribe in the town that Bubba goes to school in.

As the imposter and I waited to get our shopping carts (yes, the little store was that busy!) she said, “I should have left these papers in the car.”

I replied, “you car is exactly like mine. I really like my car, Ive had it over 2 years and it still drives like it is brand new.”

The imposter answered me, “I just bought mine at Christmas. I like it a lot too.”

I said, ” We sort of resemble each other and we drive the same car.”

The imposter giggled as she refolded the escaping papers into the big compartment of her shoulder bag and said, “you have nicer hair than me.”

I replied, “but your at least 10 years younger and a lot thinner.”

That was the extent of my encounter with my imposter.

From what I could gather, she is a mother because I noticed a childs carseat in the backseat of her car. I’d guess her age in mid-late twenties, her hair is the same length as mine but darker and layered. She wears glasses. I can easily see how she was mistaken for me.


In a few minutes, I am braving the sleet to go out to the barn where Scooter and Freddie are impatiently waiting for their morning feed and hay.

I am ready for summer…………..

It is not even 7am and my family is already driving me bonkers. How am I ever going to make it thru the entire day iced indoors with them? and, it looks like the ice is not over until tomorrow afternoon.

Too bad the bootlegger in my area passed away. I’d be making the short trip to visit him.


Filed under Family Life, MeMeMe, Ramblings, Weather

29 responses to “Imposter II

  1. My thoughts are with wee one. Oh and lets hope you don’t loose electric. We are due for ice and snow this evening into tomorrow yuck, but our weather men have a way of missing it totally so hoping they miss this one too. They said 8 inches of snow last week and we got 1 inch if that. They said 1 inch yesterday, we got 4 inches go figure lol

  2. Ooooh, Aface to face with the imposter…….how strange, but at least you know the story now. I’d much rather have the snow. Only now we have the subzero weather . Ick!!!

  3. Aniin BG. Stay safe and warm please. Hope the power doesn’t go out.

    You met her and you didn’t vanish. 🙂

  4. We’ve had some sleep and schools are out. I don’t know what the forecast is; I’ve had cabin fever for weeks!

    It’s neat that you finally met the impostor. I usually have my camera in my coat pocket to take pictures of moments like that. Of course, often the excitement of the moment makes me forget about my camera.

    Here’s hoping the antibiotics get your boy back to 100% health.

  5. Kat

    OMG..that is so wild about the imposter!!! I was meaning to ask you about wee…I noticed he looked alittle rough around the eyes in his last few pictures (poor baby) Mini is down with strep this week…she hasn’t had that since right before her tonsils were taken out…and she kept it before that…hope you both are feeling better soon!!!

  6. That’s awesome that you finally met the impostor! At least now you know that you weren’t living a split reality! 🙂
    I’d send you some of this warmer weather, but the postal service said they wouldn’t deliver it in an ice storm! What happened to “…neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…”??? Hmmm? 😉

  7. How did I miss the story of the imposter????? I read your post every day that you have something written??? Hummm…I must be slipping!
    Sorry that WeeOne didn’t get to have his operation and have it all over with. Hopefully the tonsil will clear up quickly! Maybe you should take some of the antibiotic to help you get better.
    We have sun here but it’s really cold. I came out of the gym this morning all sweaty and that cold air hit like a brick. I’ll probably wake up with pnemonia sp? tomorrow!

  8. May be you could go out and do bad things but have the imposter blamed for them???
    Something to think about;P

  9. anne-I hope it misses you, I hate this ice

    callie-stay warm! the imposter was not at all as I had her pictured in my narrow-minded mind…

    Brian-heck no I didnt fact, I think my *ss got bigger! my jeans feel a bit snug this morning and I quit drinking soda. WTF!?!?!

    donnaW-dang, this ice got y’all too. I am so ready for summer, so very ready. I always forget my cell phone has a camera. I should have snuck a photo of her.

    kat-yeah, hes been a bit sickly like his mama. But, the surgeon gave him some super strong antibiotics and he promised it would heal him asap. Poor minime, I hope she feels better!

    Seamus-I could NOT believe my luck in meeting the imposter. Yesterday was nuts, going to/fro Tulsa and a hundred errands, dealing w/ Wee One, preparing for this ice storm…Oh, the USPS lost a pair of crocs I ordered for my up coming vacation, I am really mad at them right now…but the CO. is sending me my new ones as I type. Good thing for insurance!

    MM-maybe you were in FL?? oh no, you do not want pneumonia. It is a bad, bad, bad thing to catch! Take your vitamins!

  10. lael-heheheh….do not tempt me

  11. That must be a good feelings knowing she was younger AND thinner and not some ugly old hag that everyone kept mistaking you for! ha ha! At least you now know what she looks like.

  12. Bigger???


  13. Oh, man, I don’t envy you with the ice. We don’t have any in the forecast down here in the west central portion of Arkansas. I think northwest Arkansas is supposed to get some though.

  14. karmynR-yep, I was happy! she was attractive 🙂

    Brian-you have just bumped Wee One from my #1 fan position….Wee is being a huge brat today too

    arkansassongbird-yes, the weatherman said our ice was headed towards NW Arkansas. Glad its going to miss you!

  15. Oh Goddess of the High Plains, I humbly beseech your forgiveness for my transgressions upon your person. I will strive to be less bratty and more reverent… still striving… must resist.

  16. Would you like me to smack him around? I will. I let him blog today and he turns into a brat. 🙂



  17. jo

    Thanks for the update…
    Here’s hoping your power doesn’t go out. I’m afraid to say this out of fear of jinxing myself so shhhhh! I don’t think we are having a winter storm for at least 72 hours here !!!

  18. Let’s hope the antibiotics work their magic. Loved the tale of the imposter.

    As an Aussie, I have no idea what an ice storm is like …. pray, tell, for our benefit.

    And stay safe, too.

  19. We missed the ice, just cold, no ice, they kept saying it was coming but it never made it…which I am not complaining.

  20. brian-you are a brat!

    RDK-slap him but not too hard 😉

    jo-MI weather sucks doesnt it?!?!?

    DM-thnx! Im jealous! everyone oshould experience the wonders os a full fledged ‘ice storm’.

    kelli-you are lucky, its still bad up here…

  21. Katie

    Be careful BG! and stay warm! I hope Wee One starts feeling better soon!

    I had to laugh.. you finally meet the Imposter and the cat has your tongue? You are Woman, I wanna hear you roar! lol. You are beautiful. I like your hair too. Real women have curves. 😉 ( ok I say that ’cause I have them… lol… but still! )

    I just had my hair cut shorter yesterday… around to my shoulders in layers. I need to make more changes. I started working out again. That helps.

  22. It’s cool that you got to run into yours.. I wish I could find mine.. Her mother (who I’m pretty sure was very drunk at the time) went off on me once for being out too late several years ago..

    Very weird..

    The new blog is up:

  23. Good luck with the storm and roads!

    I have an idea for making your vehicle stand out–put stickers all over the windows like my boys have done (free ones from the bank’s drive thru)!

  24. I just found your blog through David’s. I loved your Imposter story! Hope your little one is feeling better soon!

  25. katie-Ive been ‘jogging’ around the idea of joining one of the gyms 20 minutes away. Havent made up my mind yet.

    burg-omg, that is freaky

    kila-I want a vanity plate

    themotherofthislot-welcome! thank you!

  26. Oh, lovely…nice large letters…I can actually see what I’m typing…are you sure that the bootlegger has passed away? I have a lookalike who works at the DMV and am always having to tell people I can’t tell them when the DMV is open or the lines are shorter that it’s a secret only known by employees of the DMV…loved this post…so good to know that I am not the only worrywort in the world of blogging…David sent me over, sure am glad he did

  27. sandimcbride-welcome to the res! oh no, a lokkalike at the DMV must be sort of troublesome for ya!

  28. Hope the antibiotics are kicking in and he is feeling better.

    I really do think we all have a twin out there somewhere, I think it’s crazy yours lives so close!

    BTW I have tagged you!

  29. Hi, I ‘m a visitor from David’s, and your blog is a great find. Really hope that the Wee One improves with the new antibiotics, and that the ice storm doesn’t catch you too badly.

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